Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Summer Long Back Blog

At the start of 2009 I promised myself that during the summer I would finally go back to a bunch of games in my back log. At the same time I also decided that I wanted to help improve my writing and work ethic, as you can see from the time stamps on my posts I'm really inconsistent when it comes to updating. After a lot of thinking I came up with an idea for a new feature I could write for this blog: The Summer Long Back Blog (See what I did there).

So here's how its going to go down, I have a list of the games I want to finish by the end of my summer vacation, which is the 31st of August. Every week I will update on my progress with the game I'm currently on, I'll be talking about my impressions of the game and things of that nature. I'll be writing an update every Sunday, today not including since I just started my first game 2 days ago (The game I'm currently playing is Rogue Galaxy).

Here is the list of the games I'm aiming to finish, all of these are in the order that I'm going to play them in:
  1. Rogue Galaxy
  2. Shadow of the Colossus
  3. Metal Gear Solid 3
  4. Yakuza
  5. Kingdom Hearts
  6. Kingdom Hearts 2
  7. Final Fantasy 10
Hefty list I know, but I'll work at it. I'm not really planning on finishing all of them I just want to get to at least 3.

Alright so that's the quick update I'm going to go now I've got gaming to get to.

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