A long long time ago in a far off land a game called Shadow of the Colossus came out,it did pretty well and amazed many minds, including mine, but as of late something weird has happened. Last week after finally beating GTA 4 and Lost Odyssey, I was really bored so I decided to run through a couple of my old PS2 games and I decided to go back to Shadow of the Colossus. After popping it in what came to my surprise was, when I approached the first colossus I was scared shitless.
For me this is really odd because originally I had completed this game with out a problem never feeling the horrible chill when the colossus turns and stares you down as I do now. First time I popped in the disk I was not filled with the sweet feeling of wonder that I originally had, I was filled with a odd fear stopping me from even moving out of the temple you start in. But what could this mean? Have I suddenly just grown a fear of a things incredibly bigger than me? Or am I just afraid of being alone? Yes, it's odd I know. I told my friends about that and they found it weird that I was getting chills from Shadow of the Colossus but when I start riding on my horse on that expansive land and stare down to the sight of nothing, it frightens me. In a way its more scarier than any horror game I've ever played. Resident Evil? Nah. Silent Hill? Not Really. But running around alone in wide land to soon be stared down by a giant colossus is truly a horror game for me.
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