This just fucking sucks. Honestly, this is the worst thing to ever hear about from my perspective. It's just so dis heartening for me. I've always wanted to be apart of the industry, mainly on the journalism side of things, and seeing this just makes me sad. The fact that these people are living some kind of dream, they're living this kind of awesome fantasy in which they get to write about the thing they love most 24/7 and that this is all destroyed by something so simple as "We can't really afford you anymore so like...you guys gotta go". The corporate side of things completely destroy everything. Its just such a crappy thought.
Despite all of the negativity surrounded this situation, there still is good in it. Now all of these guys have the freedom to try new things, to move off and use their talents in other places. I for one am etremely excited to see how far things go at Eat-sleep-game.com and talkingorange.com. Hopefully these guys keep doing what they're good at and hopefully we get to hear more of them in the industry. It'd be really weird not to hear from these guys since they've been involved in games journalism for so long now.
Sure, things aren't going to be the same ever again, but good things can always come of situations like this. Just look at Giantbomb.com for example. Frankly, if Jeff Gerstmann never had never of gotten fired I would never had met all the nice people I have.
I wish good luck upon all of them (Although No one will ever read this nor give a flying fuck) and hope that these great guys and gals will fall back on their feet. They deserve it.
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