I don't know what it is about me but I have a hard time actually starting up a game. I don't get it. There's a part of me that is just too lazy to bother popping in a game disc. I don't know, sometimes I think I have a hard time because I don't feel like investing the time into a game. Its starting to become a hassle for me. I mean, I still like games but the barrier of entry for the ones I do want to play are long.
I think it might be all the long JRPGS I have on my plate that seem to be the problem. I just hate the feeling of starting one and loading up the menu screen and starting a new game because every time I do I can't stop thinking of the other fucking Atlus game I got sitting on my counter and how I need to finish that one also. Because of this I've been trying to go the route of playing games that I can easily pick up with a quick start up. Which is why I Picked up Prototype.
Alright segue time! Prototype. It's pretty good. But it also frustrates me so much. This game is essentially an amalgamation of Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction and Crackdown, which I'm sure you've heard before. At first this sounds like a good mix, the bad assness of the two games mixed in a pot to form a super bad ass...pot...or something. But then I come to remember the horrible memories I've repressed from my experience with Hulk: Ultimate Destruction: The game was frustrating as all hell. And surprise surprise, its the same deal with Prototype.
You are a fucking bad ass in this game...when you're not fighting anything. Okay, well that's not true, if you beat the shit out of a civilian or something to that degree, you're a bad ass but if anything with a gun or some kind of rocket dispensing cylinder (IE a stupid fucking rocket launcher) you're boned. I can't help but not understand why I can't stop some fuck in a tank when I can leap buildings and do elbow drops from the clouds. The game literally says "When fighting other military forces your own powers won't suffice, using military weapons will help." Uh...why? I CAN ASSUME ANY FORM I CHOOSE AND GROW TENTACLES. Its annoying. I understand that they don't want the game to be too easy but honestly, this is far more frustrating. Having all these cool abilities go to waste is stupid. There are other ways to add difficulty to the game. Just the idea that I have all these amazing powers and that they are pretty much useless makes me angry as hell.
The worse thing about this game is that it will force you to use tanks and things of that nature to move to certain areas in certain missions. Why? Because I need to escort some girl to her safe house. Seriously? I need a slow tank for this? I can leap buildings. Put the bitch in my hands and I will get her to the house in no fucking time. What, are you afraid I might drop her? I'll grow a tentacle and grab her or something, I don't fucking know.
I like this game a lot, but I also hate it. I know, its an odd conundrum I got going on here. Prototype is one of those games where I love a bulk of it but again, like Assassin's Creed, makes me angry with small annoyances. Frankly, I'm done with having patience for that shit, some people can look right past those kind of things but I'm am so done with having to hold a stress ball while I play my video game (I don't actually do that).
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