Friday, December 12, 2008

Why are We the Way We are?

Now before you start thinking this is some kind of blog commenting on our lives as human beings, stop, I actually want to talk about something a tad different. I want to talk about why we are gamers, hobbyist, or just geeks.

For a long time I've been pondering this question how did I become a gamer why am I a gamer? What made me so oddly interested in the niche? What exactly made me this way? Why do I love this medium so much?

The one game that really made me love video games had to be Final Fantasy 7. It was the first game of its kind that I've played.A new world was opened up to me, I started to see video games in a different way. I suddenly became obsessed with characters and story in video games. Soon enough I found myself  escaping to these awesome new worlds constantly anticipating each day because each day was another oppourtunity to be completely immersed in this new world. Eventually I began finding more and more games like it to feed my addiction. 

As I grew older my interest in these things began to grow beyond video games into more and more geeky things. I started getting into collecting. From comic books to toys to movies, if something was quirky and interesting I always had to drop all my money on it. My house became decorated with crazy vinyl toys and my shelves were stacked with movies and games. All of it fed my crazy obsession with the geek culture. I'm not sure why but something about being so engrossed in this world and always brought some kind of joy to me.Being around these things made me happy, it helped me forget all of the problems of the world. To me this was my way to indulge in something interesting and different.

To me videos game are a culture. Video games bring people together. They allow us to feel control over something (Something we tend to lack in real life to an extent). To me video games are an escape. I'm a geek because I love the culture, the people, and the world that video games have created today. Video games, the geek culture, brings people together, they bring us to places like Giant bomb, they bring us to places like PAX.  I'm a geek because I have a passion that grew in me a long time ago and places like Giant bomb just further allow me to idulge in my passion. Here I get to write about games and most importantly talk about games with people who have a passion for games like me.

I'm a gamer and thats that. Beyond that I apologize for this mini biography of me but I haven't blogged in a while and this was on my mind for a while but I would like to leave you off with a question before I go. What made you a Gamer?

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