5- Atlas is who?!

Bioshock Spoiler Warning by the way.
Yes we get it, big Bioshock twist, "Atlas is Fontaine!". It was funny then but after a while you get completely sick of hearing about it. I have to note that you don't hear it very often anymore but at the time of release it was a stupid device people used to make fun of others. What bothered me is how high and mighty people acted when they used this minor spoiler and then acted like jerks to people who got angry about it. Sure, it wasn't a big spoiler but just because one person is bothered by spoilers doesn't mean they're stupid in any respect. Some people just can't help but sit on their high horse about not caring. I say bullshit, these things do have the potential to ruin a player's experience in a game, if you end up losing all interest in something when you already expect it to happen then that's fine. I personally don't worry about spoilers, I like to enjoy the journey of the game, but I do understand how a minor spoiler can ruin a person's interest. There's no reason to act like a dick about that.
4- Aerith dies?!?!?

Yes, she's dead and she's not coming back.
3- 3rd Person "Stop and Pop" Gameplay

2- Portal Memes

I once had someone say to me that, "The internet ruined Portal", I wouldn't go as far to say that memes ruined the game but it definitely hampered my enjoyment. I want to mention that I'm not really a puzzle game fan, actually I despise them, but I did want to give Portal a chance. After hearing "The cake is a lie" the umpteenth time I ended up growing sick of the damn game. I just want the memes to die out so I can stop thinking about them, I want to enjoy the game!
1- Mini Game Compilations

Since the Wii's launch mini game compilations have been topping the charts in sales, this bothers the fuck out of me, because of the "Casual Market" developers have been churning out iteration after iteration and making bank. I'm starting to fear the market saturation might lead to something bad occurring in the future. Its the same reason why I'm bothered by the overuse of "Stop and Pop" gameplay, everything is starting to feel boring, people don't want to innovate because they don't think innovation will sell. There is so much good that can come out of the Wii but as long as we continue to churn out the same old garbage we'll never see it.
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