I'm a lazy shack of dog shit. Yes, I admit it, I'm a lazy fuck, which is why I'm going to do a list of things about me, we're moving into
Facebook now people!
5- I'm and "Actor"
Ever since I was young I've always wanted to be in movies, on stage, or whatever. By the time
highschool came around I decided to get serious about things and actually try it. It's been about two years now that I've been participating in my school's Drama programs and frankly, its contributed some of the most memorable experiences of my life. Through acting I've met a lot of people who I've learned to really care about, its changed me a lot. I'm a lot more outgoing than I used to be and I'm actually around a group of people who I like, in short: Theatre good.
4- I do a couple of video game podcasts
Apart from rambling about video games in written form I also ramble about video games with my mouth. Back in the day I did a podcast called "
Bomb Should Have a Face" (
BSHAF for short), it was a community podcast for a game website by the name of
Giantbomb.com. We had a couple of semi-famous guests on the show, one episode we had former
Gamespot writer and
Giantbomb founder "Jeff
Gerstmann" on. That was the past though, now you can find me on the "
Minor Issues Podcast" (See Banner) and "
The Broken Lampcast". The hosts of the show are semi regular
Giantbomb.com users who decided to start their own podcasts, once I decided to stop doing Bomb Should Have a Face the hosts of the aforementioned two shows offered me spots on their podcasts. Its good fun, go listen! *Note, on the majority of these
podcasts I go by the
monicker Tokyochicken if you're wondering who I am.
3- I'm a former World of Warcraft "Addict"
Yup, one time I played
WoW like it was crack. That shit was my lifeblood, I would play 8 hrs a day, every day. It was starting to become a problem for me; I would ditch friends for my online ones and ditch them when they wanted me to hang out, I would ignore school work, I was a mess. I had to quit, it was destroying me but the weird thing is, I didn't actually quit because I felt I needed to, I quit because I had gotten bored with the game. Once I started the whole hardcore raid scene I grew tired of being bossed around. One day, I missed a raid, and after that...I just never logged on. I didn't quit because I needed to or anything, I was just bored. Funny, eh? Went out with a whimper and not a bang.
2- I play guitar
I've been playing the guitar for a year and a half now. Since this point is stupid and boring I'll spare you too many details but just so this links to video games, I learned to play because of guitar hero. There you happy you monkeys?!?!?!
1- I collect toys
I collect A LOT of toys, much like the one you see above (I actually just purchased this guy a few days ago). This year I've spent up to $2000 on collectibles alone, yes I do have a problem. I like it though. Its really fun collecting these things, its like gaining a new piece of art to have lying around the house. I always liked toys because of the styles of certain figures but never decided to buy them; one day I decided to give in. Now I'm happier with my life!
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